I thank God for the time I was in Delhi. People around me made me to think. At last in Delhi, I have given my long dormant brain some serious work. This journey of thinking will not stop till I’ve breathed my last breath!
I have been watching a lot of documentary films and reading a lot of books of famous thinkers and philosophers. One thing that really strikes me is that a majority of them are from European Countries. Interestingly many quote from European thinkers. I really wonder why? Are they born with something unique? Is their culture and society accustomed for people to think, not just think but to think and reason it out till the end? If that is the case, I would love my children to be there. (Hmm.. children- that’s a different story). Well, I have started my journey to think. Someone referred to me as a thinker. I was overwhelmed by that comment. I am also scared where my thinking would lead me. People have become mentally ill, have had nervous breakdowns, committed suicides, referred to life as becoming meaningless, detachment from family life and all kinds of psychiatric disorders have been the end result of major thinkers. Well, I would not be surprised to see myself in those lines in future. My latest reading from the book “The Call by O S Guinness” has given me a deep insight to think beyond and still not fall into the above. Let me quote this for you “…. We cannot find God without God. We cannot reach God without God. We cannot satisfy God without God- which is another way of saying that our seeking will always fall short unless God’s Grace initiates the search and unless God’s call draws us to him and completes the search”*.
I always wonder what people are thinking (not about me, but what is running on their mind). Once I did a poll, but no one seemed interested. Well, that does not stop me from thinking or pursuing what I want to do. I wonder about the great thinkers. Just because they had a good family, with three meals on their table, they had an option to think and bring about a change in the society. Had they been from a poor family, yes they would be thinking but not in lines with society and philosophy but “how do I provide food for my family”. Sorry to be very harsh on the rich, but this seems convincing. So, are the well to do the only class to think? It’s a chain process. If s/he is from a well to do family, the thinking enables him/her to pursue higher studies and would make use of all his experience to see a desired change. After reading my article, if I am wrong, please write to me so that I can broaden my understanding. Because, I would not have thought in the lines that you are thinking. After doing my Divinity studies, I would wish to do a solid course on Psychology because it deals with the mind. In the late years of great thinkers, they are sent to psychologist or psychiatrics for help. One, I would not like to end up there, second, if that is the situation I would like to diagnose myself.
I have a problem with Psychology; I did basics of psychology in my Masters. People say all the results/findings of Psychological analysis are just a probability and nothing is certain. The findings are just a high percentage of possibility, when relating this to human - man/women. I would say man (including women) is a unique being. None can predict him/her. Then how does this scientific study help man resolve his issues in life. Well I am not sure. But still, I would like to give a try and study. As for now I would think think think and get back to you.
* The Call, Guinness. O S, Pg 13 &14
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